Friday, December 26, 2008

Council Winners

First place with 2 2/3 points! - The Razor - The Symbol of Oppression
Second place with 1 2/3 points - (T*) - Joshuapundit - Cheney Slaps Biden Upside The Head
Second place with 1 2/3 points - (T*) - Mere Rhetoric - Smug Liberal Sophistication Undisturbed By Decades Of Disastrously Wrong Domestic And International Predictions
Third place with 1 points - Bookworm Room - Destruction of Property
Fourth place with 2/3 points - (T*) - Soccer Dad - Don’t get too chummy with that flaming dummy
Fourth place with 2/3 points - (T*) - Rhymes With Right - Impeach Jerry Brown
Fourth place with 2/3 points - (T*) - The Glittering Eye - How to Give a Bonus
Fifth place with 1/3 point - Cheat-Seeking Missiles - Gay Anger At Warren Unwarranted
Winning Non-Council Submissions
First place with 2 1/3 points! - John Stossel - Arrogance and Conceit Won’t Fix the Economy
Second place with 1 2/3 points - (T*) - Larrey Anderson/American Thinker - Climate Crisis = Logic Crisis
Second place with 1 2/3 points - (T*) - Dhimmi Watch - Fitzgerald: If we cut off the jizya, could things become even worse?
Third place with 1 1/3 points - (T*) - Pajamas Media - The Op-Ed the New York Times Wouldn’t Run
Third place with 1 1/3 points - (T*) - Counterterrorism blog - Jihad by the Shoe: Who Was Behind it and why?
Third place with 1 1/3 points - (T*) - Simon Deng - Hudson New York - Bishop Tutu and “Israeli Apartheid”
Fourth place with 2/3 points - The American Spectator - Coffee and Closure
Fifth place with 1/3 point - Jewcy - Madoff the Jew: The Media’s Hypocritical Obsession With the Fraudster’s Faith

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