Monday, December 29, 2008

Charlton Heston? Really?

I have never pictured Jack Aubrey as looking even vaguely like Charlton Heston, but apparently Patrick O'Brian did. I suppose that I might be more open minded about that possibility if I hadn't seen Master and Commander before reading the first Aubrey-Maturin novel; the film obviously has its failings, but in general they concern the Maturin character (which is a completely and utterly different animal in the film than in the books), and the related issue of Aubrey being just a trifle too clever. Physically and in mannerism, though, I thought Crowe captured Aubrey almost perfectly. Even Crowe's performance in Gladiator isn't particularly Heston-esque, and his turn as Jack Aubrey just didn't remind me at all of Heston.

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