Saturday, July 25, 2009

Obama's Presser: The Review

I suspect that the ratings on this presser will be the worst of all that he's held. This was boring and only got worse as he went along. He used all sorts of fuzzy math. For instance, he claimed that he inherited a 1.3 trillion dollar deficit. I don't believe that's even close to accurate and I suspect that AP will point this out as one of many errors. He also claimed that had he not done anything with the budget that the deficit would be 9.5 trillion dollars over the next ten years. His budget will will "only" create a deficit of 7.3 trillion dollars over the next ten years. Now, I don't know where he came up with the first number, but I think it was out of thin /br /The president also claimed that we'd all get health care, it would cost less, and the government would not get into the way of decisions between patients and doctors. This is a total fantasy. Jake Tapper asked what sacrifices Americans would make in implementing the plan. The president said that those that engage in unhealthy behavior would sacrifice their unhealthy behavior. If you can explain that, please leave me a comment. In fact, his whole entire narrative tonight was a fantasy. More people would have health care, everyone's health care costs would be less, and at the same time no health care procedures would be /br /What the president can't explain is how he plans on managing this. Bill O'Reilly just finished screaming that he doesn't understand the president's plan. That's because there is no plan. There is only a series of wish lists. Then, he spent ten minutes going on and on about how we will get there. We aren't going to get there because what he thinks his plan will do is /br /That's why O'Reilly doesn't understand what his plan is. It's because there is no plan. The "plan" is a series of wish lists with no way to get there.div class="blogger-post-footer"img width='1' height='1' src=''//div

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