Thursday, January 15, 2009

Syntax Matters: JavaFX Script

Last night I finished writing an article on JavaFX. It was a lot of fun, and it has convinced me that JavaFX has a strong future. A lot of its promise comes from its syntax. It is easy to get carried away with Rich Media! and Animation! and FPS! but then you forget that JavaFX is a new programming language on the JVM. Here are the highlights of its syntax.

The declarative constructors: When I first started looking at JavaFX, it looked like MXML but in a JSON format. Looks are deceiving. Essentially JavaFX supports name parameters in its constructors. The naming convention is foo : bar, where foo is the name of the parameter and bar is the value. You can put multiple parameters on one line by using a comma to separate, like in most other languages, or you can put each on its own line and eschew the commas. This leads to the JSON-ish syntax. It is probably more accurate to describe it as JavaScript-ish. This becomes even more apparent when you start nesting constructed objects. It really looks a lot like object literals in JavaScript. What is great is that this is not just something you only use for UI elements, like MXML. It is part of the language syntax, so you can use this syntax anywhere you want. Imagine being able to write an MXML expression directly inside a block of ActionScript code...

Speaking of JavaScript: A lot of the syntax of JavaFX looks like JavaScript's more sophisticated cousin, ActionScript 3.0. You use var to declare local variables. You put the type after the variable name, separated with a colon. You use function to define methods. The major difference is using def to denote a constant. In ActionScript, you use const, like you would in C. This is actually kind of bad in my opinion. The def keyword is used in many other languages, like Ruby and Scala, to denote a function. There is no obvious connection between def and a constant. I think they should have used const instead of def. It would have made more sense to do that and maybe use def instead of function.

Functional Programming: A lot of folks are disappointed that closures are not being added to Java, at least not in Java 7. JavaFX does have closures. You can define a var to have a function type and can specify the signature of that function. The syntax is pretty nice. For example, you could do var join:function(String[], String):String to define a variable called join that is a function that takes in an array of strings and a string as input parameters and returns a string. I would like to see this is in ActionScript. JavaFX also has support for list comprehensions. You could do var squares = for (i in [1..100]) { i*i} to get an array of the perfect sqaures up to 10,000. However, JavaFX does not make as much use of closures. You would think that its sequences would have common functional mehtods like filter, map, fold, etc. For filter and map, there are alternatives. For example, let's say you wanted the square of all of the odd integers less than 100. In Scala you would do something like val os = (1 until 100).filter(_ % 2 == 1).map(_^2) . In JavaFX it would be val os = for (x in [1..10][i | i % 2 == 1]){ x*x }. It's a case of syntax over API. The second set of curly braces is like a select clause. I want to like it because it uses mathematics insired symbols.

Other: There are a few other JavaFX syntax bits worth mentioning. First is bind and bound. These are for data binding expressions. These can be very powerful. You can bind variables together, so that the one changes when the other changes. Better is that you can bind to functions and list comprehensions. The other interesting syntax in JavaFX involve the keywords delete and insert. These give LINQ-ish syntax for sequences. In fact if you combine the mathematical style select syntax with insert/delete and with the declarative constructors, you get expressiveness that is pretty on-par with LINQ in my opinion. When you see everything working together, it kind of makes sense but it does seem kind of random at first.

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