Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Hottest Thing Since Porkbusters! Or At Least the Victory Caucus!

When it comes to Sammy the Wurzelbacher, nobody cares. This isn't surprising, since it's not as if he has ever an actual grassroots phenomenon. Rather, starting with the GOP's hapless presidential candidate, he was certain conservatives' idea of what an "authentic heartland phenomenon" should be. If there was any doubt about this, the fact that Pajamas Media seems to be going all-in on him -- in tandem with "tea parties" that are going to need considerably more density to rise to the level of being "sparsely attended" -- should settle the question. (I eagerly await Glenn Reynolds's new Pajama TV episode about how An American Carol really was a license to print money; after all, it's all about the DVDs today, and it's still the 497th 569th [and probably dropped again by the time you read this] best-selling DVD in the country!)

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